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33rd Sunny Side of the Doc

La Rochelle, France, June 20 to 23, 2022

Call for projects

Factual content – Project in development or production, all formats

Sunny Side of the Doc is currently looking for strong and original projects in development or production, with an appeal to international broadcasters, co-producers, and other funders for its 2022 edition.

Please note that all projects must be submitted directly to the Market.

  • Competitive: Yes
  • Entry fees: Yes


Through 8 highly coveted pitching sessions (Global Issues, Nature & Conservation, Science, History, Arts & Culture, Immersive Experiences, Digital Na(rra)tives Stories and New Voices) and targeted matchmaking, a selection of 48 projects will receive critical insights, find potential partners and seal financing deals.

The best-pitched projects of each session are decided by a jury of industry experts.  The 8 winners will receive a 3,000€ cash prize endowed by respective session sponsors. Additional special prizes and festival invitations may be granted by industry partners.



New Voices Talent Hub

At the top of our list is the New Voices Talent Hub. This session is designed to welcome first and second-time filmmakers/content creators holding projects with international potential: we are looking for hidden gems, new authors, new producers, new directors, new issues, and inspiring stories.

Digital Na(rra)tive Stories

Sunny Side of the Doc will also continue strengthening and supporting new forms of digital and immersive non-fiction projects. Along with the “Immersive Experiences” pitching session, we are introducing a new slot for Digital Na(rra)tive Stories (standing for projects conceived natively for digital platforms, social networks, video games, etc.).

For more information, consult the Call for Projects.



Each June, Sunny Side of the Doc creates unique opportunities for the most exciting non-fiction concepts to be pitched directly in front of 400 top-level international buyers, commissioners and distributors in a live event setting.

*Want to attend Sunny Side of the Doc? The Canada Pavilion Call for Entries including our promotional rates for Canadian participants will be published in the coming weeks.



Kate Maurice
Advisor, Event Planning and Programming

Myriam Blais
Interim Advisor, Event Planning and Programming


Promotion and Communications
Telefilm Canada, Montréal
1 800 567-0890