Logos and brand guidelines
Conditions of use
Please note that all Telefilm Canada logos must only be used for the purposes as cleared by Telefilm. Telefilm Canada’s title and logo are official trademarks of the Corporation. No logo may be copied, redistributed and/or republished without the expressed consent of Telefilm Canada.
The animated logo shall be included in the Project’s opening credits for its exploitation in theatres and on all platforms in Canada.

Official version*
*to use on a white or light background

Official white version*
*to use on a black or dark background

Bilingual official version*
*to use on a white or light background

Bilingual official white version*
*to use on a black or dark background
Animated Logo
White end slate
Black end slate
1920×1080 – 16:9
Available with white or black End Slate:
QT Animation 24 FPS
QT Animation 29 FPS
H264 24 FPS
H264 29 FPS
ProRes 29 FPS
Available with white or black End Slate:
QT Animation 24 FPS
QT Animation 29 FPS
ProRes 29 FPS
*Download the 6 audio tracks to ensure proper sound quality.
For more information, please contact your regional contact person.
For further information or questions regarding the Talent Fund logo, please contact Kajsa Erickson, Development Manager, Talent Fund, kajsa.erickson@telefilm.ca. For questions related to the Talent to Watch Program, please contact your regional feature film executive.