2022-2024 Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Action Plan
As a Partner of Choice, Telefilm Canada is committed to an industry that reflects a culture of mutual respect, dignity, and inclusivity.
Telefilm acknowledges that Canadian creators of underrepresented groups in the audiovisual industry experience greater challenges in obtaining financing, career development opportunities, training, and education. Telefilm is firmly committed to demonstrable action in creating greater access and stronger outcomes.
Telefilm’s commitment to demonstrable action includes funding and initiatives available for Indigenous creators. Telefilm acknowledges the unique circumstances of Indigenous peoples in Canada while seeking to work in solidarity with other underrepresented groups to reduce barriers, increase opportunities, and foster understanding.
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan
As a Partner of Choice, Telefilm Canada is committed to an industry that reflects a culture of mutual respect, dignity and inclusivity.

Following the implementation of the first phase of the Equity and Representation Action Plan in July 2020, Telefilm Canada renews its engagements for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in alignment with the 2022-2024 Corporate Plan. This continues its commitment to an industry that reflects a culture of mutual respect, dignity, and inclusivity.
Definition of Equity | Government of Canada
The principle of considering people’s unique experiences and differing situations, and ensuring they have access to the resources and opportunities that are necessary for them to attain just outcomes.
Equity aims to eliminate disparities and disproportions that are rooted in historical and contemporary injustices and oppression.
Strengthen Telefilm Canada’s inclusive culture through greater equity in access to all programs and a representative portfolio.
Telefilm Canada is committed to continued action in creating greater access in financing by reviewing program access and processes, by developing Official Languages and Accessibility plans, and by designing new capacity building and community development programs.
- Increase access to programs for underrepresented groups by lifting barriers to access in program guidelines and processes, as well as guidance on how to access funding.
- Achieve objectives and initiatives as part of Telefilm’s commitment towards an inclusive portfolio across all film programs. In the next 18 months, Telefilm will aim to finance a minimum of:
- In the Development Program:
- 15 projects in the whole program, where at least 50% of the producers are Black
- 15 projects in the General Stream, where at least 50% of the writers are Black or Persons of Colour
- 10 projects in the General Stream, where at least 50% of the producers are Black or Persons of Colour
Telefilm also aim to receive a demand of at least: - 15 French language projects submitted to the Stream for Black and People of Colour
- In the Production Program:
- 16 supported projects where at least one key creative position (director, screenwriter, producer) is held by people who are Black or Persons of Colour. If there is more than one person in the role, the position (director, screenwriter, producer) must be held by a majority (50% +) of persons who are Black or Persons of Colour.
- In the Development, Production, Talent to Watch and Theatrical Documentary programs:
- $4 million annually for Indigenous projects through the Indigenous Stream
- Gender parity
- In the Development Program:
- Achieve objectives and initiatives as part of Telefilm’s commitment towards an inclusive Promotion Program. Telefilm will aim to financially support a minimum of 25 festivals that focus on diversity and inclusivity.
- Develop an Official Languages and Official Languages Minority Communities Plan.
- Begin implementation of the Universal Accessibility Action Plan for People with disabilities.
- Increase competitive applications in portfolio programs from underrepresented groups.
- Finance new and existing training, mentorship, and community development initiatives to strengthen equity-seeking groups and support underrepresented filmmakers.
- Strengthen the diversity composition across all advisory committees.
- Enhance core analysis protocols for inclusive filmmaking and authentic storytelling.
Expand Equity, Diversity and Inclusion-informed decision-making based on data and business intelligence.
Telefilm is committed to better informed decision-making by prioritizing data collection, developing enhanced communication and IT strategies to increase participation rate of Telefilm’s self-identification questionnaire, and by building standardized benchmarks for EDI with other corporate funders.
- Increase the level of participation in Telefilm’s Self-Identification questionnaire across all programs.
- Leverage internal and external data collection and continue investing in business intelligence research to inform decision-making relating to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.
- Review progress against benchmarks for equity and inclusion initiatives.
Uplift, amplify and empower as an Ally of Choice to the industry.
Telefilm Canada is committed to become an Ally of Choice, through ongoing dialogue, support and reach-out to creators from underrepresented groups.
- Develop an Indigenous Reconciliation Plan.
- Build opportunities to amplify the visibility and capabilities of creators with disabilities.
- Build opportunities to amplify the visibility and capabilities of 2SLGBTQIA+ creators.
- Promote protocols to deal with anti-harassment, discrimination, and anti-racism in the industry.
- Raise awareness for greater inclusion in Canada’s audiovisual through programming and communications initiatives.
- Strengthen international opportunities and ensure representation at markets and festivals for underrepresented creators.
- Continue bi-annual meetings with the external Diversity & Inclusion Working Group and subcommittees.
- Adopt the use of inclusive communications and gender-neutral language in both Official Languages.
Support a strong sense of belonging at Telefilm Canada through leadership accountability.
Telefilm Canada is committed to a diverse workforce that is reflective of the Canadian society. It will foster this by actively monitoring corporate objectives, the progress of staff and the key performance indicators for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.
- Establish corporate objectives and key performance indicators for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion initiatives.
- Build on momentum of original commitment to a minimum 50% representation of new hires and a minimum of 30% representation of new management hires across Telefilm from underrepresented groups by 2023. Telefilm’s focus is in accordance with the Government of Canada’s Employment Equity Act’s designated four official priority groups (members of visible minorities, Indigenous, persons with disabilities and women).
- More precisely, Telefilm is committed to ensuring that 25% representation of all new hires will be Indigenous persons, Black people, and/or People of Colour, through all levels, sectors and functions, by pursuing dedicated talent acquisition initiatives.
- Telefilm will prioritize gender parity and a balanced representation of gender identities.
- Enhance the self-identification process to increase the hiring and promotion of people living with disabilities.
- Create development opportunities through various initiatives such as mentoring programs.
- Begin to implement the Universal Accessibility Plan.
- Continue EDI training at all levels and departments and integrate EDI training into onboarding process for all new Telefilm staff.
Past Action Plans
Contact us
Toll free: 1-800-567-0890
Email: sr@telefilm.ca