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The screen content industry, in Canada and around the world, is taking meaningful action to minimize environmentally damaging practices.

Telefilm is committed to supporting this transformative journey through collaborative partnerships and sharing knowledge on informed best practices.

Watch our video outlining our plan.

Our Vision 

As a responsible leader in, and champion of, the Canadian audiovisual industry, Telefilm Canada commits to adopting sustainability as a lens through which we work. This transformative commitment will be actualized in its capacity as:

  • an investor in the value chain of content production;
  • a promoter of Canadian talent, and the industry, both nationally and internationally;
  • a financial administrator; and
  • an employer and Crown corporation.

This is in alignment with our responsibility to ensuring a healthy, future-facing industry that meets the Government of Canada’s target to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.

Our Commitment 

To lead and support the industry to mobilize collectively through informed business practices and capacity building efforts, and the establishing of science-based policies and targets. This commitment will be operationalized through our Programs, Initiatives, Promotion and Communication efforts, Research, Training, Human Resources policies, and Industry Partnerships.

Telefilm’s sustainability journey is informed by:

Action Plan

Telefilm Canada’s Sustainability Action Plan is built on a commitment to a sustainable and inclusive audiovisual industry.

Our action plan informs best practices in three sectors:

  1. Our corporate activities
  2. ​​​​​​​Production
  3. Promotion

Both phases of the plan can be found below:

Tools and resources for industry practitioners

Looking for support, free training or more information on sustainable practices in production? Please refer to the following links for green vendors, best practice suggestions, green film certification programs and more.

In Canada

*Only available in French

Provincial film commissions providing free training, best practice guidance and resources

Unions and Guilds – Members have free access to resources and training


International resources

*Only available in French


Carbon calculators

Research and Conferences

Telefilm is proud to share research findings related to environmental sustainability.

Telefilm Canada commissioned Leger to survey workers in the audio-visual/production industry to assess their interest and awareness towards Sustainable/Green production practices (SGPP) in the workplace. The survey was conducted as part of Telefilm’s Action Plan on Eco-responsibility 2022.

Produced by Green Spark Group and commissioned by Telefilm Canada, this report takes a look at Canada’s unique circumstances and emission reduction opportunities. It provides an initial understanding of the annual total emissions from Canadian-funded film and TV content.

Strategic Commitments

Below are strategic commitments made by organizations towards a more sustainable future.