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Atlantic Strategy

The purpose of this strategic work is to co-develop goals and actions to stimulate and support the Atlantic film industry as a driver of Canada’s cultural and economic prosperity.  

The 2024-2027 plan was developed for, and with Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. Building on Telefilm’s Strategic Plan 2024-2027, and inspired by our action plans for equity, diversity and inclusion, accessibility and sustainability, the following strategic priorities aim to recognize, reflect and respond to the unique opportunities, challenges and opportunities of the Atlantic region.  

This evolving initiative will adapt and adjust to market realities and opportunities and is designed to set the stage for the ongoing evolution of the corporate actions, fostering greater transparency and more consistent, timely reporting. A comprehensive overview of the actions will be presented at a later time, after consultation with the local industry. 



Building capacity and equitable access.

  • Strengthen our collaborations with partners to accelerate the career development of creators
  • Be a bridge for emerging, Indigenous and underrepresented (EDIA and Minority Language) creators locally, regionally and nationally
  • Bring our partners more effectively into Telefilm’s Continuum through our strategic program review
  • Encourage and support business practices focused on sustainability and equity for productions and organizations (e.g. ESG)
Evolve competitiveness

Data mobilization and regional realities.

  • Create cultural and economic partnership opportunities to improve the competitiveness of Atlantic creators and organizations
  • Structure and share program data to present trends, gaps and successes with industry partners, with focus on career advancement and organizational growth
  • Develop specific strategies to stimulate financial opportunities and relationships to increase access to Telefilm funding

Promotion and market research.

  • Advance initiatives to increase discoverability and audience reach
  • Explore collaborations and financial support towards national and international exposure and presence
  • Expand Telefilm’s promotions and initiatives to have a meaningful role in spotlighting the Atlantic film industry