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39th BUFF Malmö Film Festival

Malmö, Sweden, March 19 to 25, 2022

Call for entries

Features and shorts, narratives and documentaries for kids and youth


The BUFF International Film Festival is currently accepting film entries for its upcoming edition.

Please note that all films must be submitted directly to the festival.

  • Competitive: Yes
  • Entry Fees: 5€



The Festival is open to films:

  • That had their first public screening after January 1, 2021;
  • Narrative features, documentaries, animations and short films.
  • Shorts should have a length of 20 minutes or less.



Founded in 1984, BUFF Film Festival has been the most important screening venue for films for children and young people in the Nordic countries. Each year, more than 100 films from 40 different countries screen to a young audience (ages 3-19).

In more recent years, BUFF is attracting a growing number of professionals who work in the industry. Films for children and youths are often produced on a limited budget and generally do not get much attention in the media. As such, BUFF wants to be a forum that highlights questions and facilitates discussion around the access to film and the need to find a sustainable way of producing great film for children and young people. BUFF aims to reach out to its young visitors with films from all over the world that help them see things in a broader perspective.  BUFF strives to teach young people about the influence of film in today’s society. Films that touch, engage and make the viewer ask questions are 100% BUFF.


Telefilm Canada recognizes a FEATURE FILM selection in this festival and may provide assistance through the International Festival Participation Program.


International Promotion
Telefilm Canada, Montreal
1 800 567-0890