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47e Festival international de films de femmes de Créteil 

Créteil, France, April 4 to 12, 2025


October 31, 2024


(Feature and short films, all genres, women directors) 

The Festival international de films de femmes de Créteil is accepting entries for its upcoming edition. 

Please note that all films must be submitted directly to the festival. 



The Festival de films de femmes de Créteil has gone out worldwide to discover new female filmmakers, their films and to showcase their projects and help develop their creativity. The festival programs films, events, retrospectives on established and inspiring key female figures. Fighting against all forms of discrimination, it assumes his double heritage towards feminism and cultural action, and places questioning on the image and modes of representation at the centre of its thoughts. 

The festival programs three international competitions:

  • Narrative feature films
  • Documentaries
  • Short Films

As well as a Young Public Program, and  several non-competitive thematic sections. 

Recent Canadian films selected: BABYSITTER, BEANS, GEOGRAPHIES OF SOLITUDE which won 2 Best Documentary Awards, NOÉMIE DIT OUI. 

Telefilm Canada recognizes selection in this festival and may provide financial support through the International Promotion Program

International Promotion 
Telefilm Canada, Montreal 
1 800 567-0890