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Bogotá Audiovisual Market (BAM) 2019

Bogota, Colombia, July 8 to 12, 2019


(Feature film and/or TV production companies (fiction, documentary, animation) who have at least (1) one project in development destined to be coproduced with Colombia or a Latin American country)

The Bogota Audiovisual market (BAM) is inviting Canadian producers
to participate in their 10th audiovisual market

The selection of participants will be carried out by BAM, Telefilm Canada and the Canada Media Fund. Up to 10 Canadian producers will be selected.

Participants will receive:
• 1 accreditation for the Market;
• Four (4) nights lodging including breakfast;
• 1 X 1500$cnd travel grant to cover costs of flight;
• Program of activities at BAM;
• Inclusion in organized B2B meetings and exclusive networking opportunities

All other costs will be covered by participants.

For all information on the event and to submit your project, please consult Grenadine, the new subscription management tool of Telefilm Canada.

Industry Promotion
Telefilm Canada, Montréal
1 800 567-0890