Cannes XR | VeeR VR Cinema
Call for entries
(360 VR Works and Interactive 6DOF experiences)
VeeR, the leading global VR content platform, invites artists worldwide to submit works for competition at VeeR VR Cinema at Cannes XR this year. The selected VR works will be showcased during Cannes XR Virtual Festival and will voluntarily participate in offline showcases in China (with exhibition fee offered by VeeR). They will also be eligible to win the VeeR Future Award: Best Story and VeeR Future Award: Best Interactive. The winners will each be awarded with 1000 USD and a Premium Distribution Package.
- Competitive: Yes
Please note that VR Works and experiences must be submitted directly to the festival via Artizen.
To submit your project to the award and be in consideration for the official selection of the VeeR VR Cinema at Cannes XR, your project must adhere to the following:
- Projects must be completed after January 1, 2019;
- Only completed projects will be considered;
- Projects may be of any length;
- Open to all genres: live action, animation, fiction, digital arts, documentary or other genres are all accepted;
- The festival does not accept applications of installations or other forms of location-based VR / MR experiences;
- The applicant needs to be the producer or lead artist of the project. By submitting the application, the applicants confirm that they own the copyright of the project, which means they enjoy all Intellectual Property rights and interests of the project and do not infringe any legal rights of third parties.
3DOF and 360 VR Films are welcome to submit to the Veer Future Award for Best VR Story.
6DOF interactive VR experiences are welcome to submit to the VeeR Future Award for Best Interactive Experience.
As a cornerstone of Cannes XR, VeeR VR Cinema will feature a selection of the most immersive, compelling and innovative VR works to celebrate the creator’s achievements in VR storytelling.
At a time when the unprecedented global pandemic has brought us enormous challenges, we hope to bring the VR community together, to open a new chapter of VR storytelling and to embrace the coming opportunities for the VR industry.
This year, VeeR VR Cinema has expanded from 360 films to both 3DOF and 6DOF VR experiences.
The selected VR works will be showcased during Cannes XR Virtual Festival and will voluntarily participate in offline showcases in China (with exhibition fee offered by VeeR). The showcase is aimed to bring VR projects and teams to more investors, media and audience.
In addition to the showcase at Cannes XR, two winners will be presented with the VeeR Future Award for Best VR Story and Best VR Interactive Experience, and will each be awarded with $1,000 USD and a Premium Distribution Package.
International Promotion
Telefilm Canada, Montreal
1 800 567-0890