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Producers Without Borders at the Berlinale Co-Production Market

Berlin, Germany, February 12 to 16, 2022


(Feature Film Producers)


Telefilm Canada is now accepting applications to participate in the Producers without Borders initiative, the visitor programme of the Berlinale Co-Production Market 2022. Applications are reserved for Canadian production companies with a project in development suitable for international co-production.

This initiative will enable a maximum of ten producers, representing a production company, to benefit from exclusive and personalized guidance during the event, in forms such as information sessions, networking events, B2B meetings, consultations, conferences, and more.



To be considered eligible for Producers without Borders, an applicant must meet all of the following criteria:

  • be a Canadian controlled corporation, as determined under sections 26 to 28 of the Investment Canada Act;
  • be represented during the initiative by a producer that is a Canadian citizen within the definition of the Citizenship Act or a permanent resident within the definition of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act;
  • have its head office in Canada and carry out its activities in Canada;
  • operate as an audiovisual production company;
  • have produced at least one feature film released theatrically, on a platform, or in a festival;
  • have at least one feature-length film project in development suitable for international co-production;
  • have an interest for international co-production but no previous experience as lead producer on an official completed international co-production;
  • be available and make a commitment to participate in the event from February 12 to 16, 2022.

Please note that only one producer per company may register.



Telefilm Canada will select up to 10 applicants to participate in this initiative. Decision-making will be based on qualitative information in order to select the participant with the best potential to eventually (i) produce a project as an international treaty co-production between Canada and other foreign countries, and/or (ii) be sold in international markets.

The following criteria will serve as a guide, and no specific weighting will be attributed to each of the components:

  • Track record of the applicant production company and producer;
    • producers who have participated in an international training program and/or co-production workshop in the past (i.e. ACE, EAVE, RCF, Rotterdam Lab, IFP, etc);
    • production company/producers who have received financing from a provincial or federal institution in the last 3 years;
    • production company/producers who have garnered recognition on the national or international festival circuit with a film.
  • the Applicant’s objectives for participating in the initiative;
  • creative elements of the project, including originality and quality of the synopsis.

Experienced producers who would like to attend the Co-Production Market can get in touch with us directly for more information on how to do so.  



The selection process will be conducted by the Berlinale Co-production Market in collaboration with Telefilm Canada.

Moreover, decision-making will take into consideration Telefilm Canada’s objective to foster diverse voices in the audiovisual industry. As such, Telefilm Canada may prioritize applications from certain regions of Canada or applications made by applicants where the company and/or its related parties are majority owned and controlled by persons identifying themselves as members of the following under-represented groups: Indigenous peoples, official language minority communities, women, LGBTQ2+, racialized communities and persons with disabilities.



click here to sUBMIT

Ensure to check the Berlinale COVID-19 Information Page regularly to ensure you are able to attend. 




Created in 2004, the Berlinale Co-Production Market is a five-day event within the European Film Market (EFM), a “must do” event for the international film industry. Every year 35 film projects are selected from all over the world, and their representatives will have the opportunity to meet about 600 participants in over 1,200 pre-scheduled meetings.

For 2022, due to the current situation resulting from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the constantly changing safety, hygiene, travel, and quarantine regulations related to it, the Berlinale Co-Production Market may be hybrid. The final composition of the event will be announced in the coming weeks.


This initiative will provide its participants with:

  • A visitor badge for the Co-Production Market (February 12 – 16, 2022);
  • An European Film Market Badge;
  • Inclusion in the Berlin 2022 promotional campaign;
  • Access to the Co-Production Market’s programme, including:
    • Visitor’s Meet and Match;
    • Introductory session on Berlinale Co-Production Market and hands-on talk with an experienced participant;
    • Individual consultations with experts on various topics;
    • Speed Matchings (online or on site) to meet other participants of the Co-Production Market in 5-minutes;
    • Panels and Case Studies (on international co-productions);
    • Country Sessions (2 sessions with public funds or other experts to present the co-production potential of the selected countries/regions and explain how international co-production works in these countries).

* Participants with a visitor status are not entitled to receive the publications of the Berlinale Co-Production Market or access the one-on-one meetings with the selected project.





Industry Promotion
Telefilm Canada, Montréal
1 800-567-0890