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Berlin 2018 | Producers without Borders

Berlin, Germany, February 15 to 25, 2018

Call for entries

(Canadian Producers attending the Berlin International Film Festival and/or the European Film Market)

Applications for the initiative Producers without Borders, Telefilm Canada’s Visitor Programme at the Berlinale Co-Production Market, are open to Canadian producers present in Berlin with at least one feature film project in development. 20 producers will be selected for this initiative.


Information and Application Procedure


In 2018, Canada will be the ‘Country in Focus’ at the European Film Market. Canadian participants will also benefit from a promotional campaign developed and entirely funded by Telefilm Canada to guarantee the best possible exposure for the invited Canadian films. The complete programming will be announced in January 2018.



International Promotion
Telefilm Canada, Montréal
514 283-6363