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Producers without Borders at the Berlinale Co-Production Market

Berlin, Germany, February 7 to 17, 2019

Call for entries

(Producers attending Berlin)

Applications for Producers without Borders, Telefilm Canada’s Visitor Programme at the Berlinale Co-Production Market, are open to Canadian producers present in Berlin with at least one feature film project in development and with no previous experience in coproduction.

Created in 2004, the Berlinale Co-Production Market is a four day event within the European Film Market (EFM), a “must do” event for the international film industry. Every year some 500 participants meet in over 1,200 pre-scheduled meetings with the representatives of the 36 selected film projects from all over the world.

To be part of Producers without Borders will allow you to:

  • Have a visitor badge for the Co-Production Market (February 9 – 13, 2019);
  • Access the Market’s programme, including:
    • Visitor’s Meet and Match;
    • Case Studies (on international co-productions);
    • Country Sessions (2 sessions with each 5 moderated and interactive presentations/interviews with public funds or other experts in order to present the co-production potential of the selected countries/regions and explain how international co-production works in these countries);
    • Speed Matchings (get to know other participants of the Co-Production Market in 10-minute meetings);
    • Access to the Producers’ Lounge (central meeting point of the Co-Production Market).

Participants with a visitor status will not have access to the lunches and are not entitled to receive the print publications of the Berlinale Co-Production Market.

  • Be included in the online directory of Canadian producers at Berlin and be part of the Canada at Berlin 2019 promotional campaign.

Note that the visitor badge at the Co-Production Market won’t grant you access to the European Film Market. Online Registration for the EFM will open in early November. All info on the type of badges available and fees can be found here.


Selection Criteria

To be considered eligible for Producers without Borders, a Canadian producer must:

  • Have at least one feature-length film project in development seeking financing through co-production and/or pre-sales;
  • Have no previous experience as lead producer on an official completed coproduction;
  • Be accredited to attend the Market (EFM) and/or Festival (More info here. Register for the EFM before November 30 and take advantage of the Early Bird Discount).

The initiative Producers without Borders is limited to 20 Canadian producers. Producer’s filmography, including recognition on the festival circuit and track record at the box-office will be considered in the selection process.

Telefilm Canada shall seek to maintain an appropriate regional balance, so as to encourage production companies from all regions of Canada.

The selection process will be conducted by the Berlinale Coproduction Market in collaboration with Telefilm Canada.

Experienced producers who would like to attend the Co-Production Market can get in touch with us directly for more information on how to do so.


Submission process

If you already are an eTelefilm (not Dialogue) user, log in onto your account to fill the Producers without Borders 2019 application.

If you are not a registered eTelefilm client, you must first open a temporary account.


More Information

For further information, please contact Marie-Claude Giroux ( / 438 469-1180) or Alexandra Paquette-Torres ( / 438 469-1236) or call our toll-free number 1 800-567-0890.