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The ACE Programme 2018

Prague, Czech Republic , November 19 to 24, 2018

Call for entries

(For feature length fiction film producers)

Telefilm Canada’s agreement with ACE will allow for two Canadian producers to participate in the ACE Programme 2018.

Please refer to the document below for information on the eligibility conditions and the registration process.

Should you require additional information, please contact Marie-Claude Giroux (, 514 283-0838, 1 800 567-0890, ext. 2110); or contact Al Williams at ACE Producers directly to confirm your interest and request a meeting and application form:

Information and registration process 

ACE producers is an exclusive network of experienced independent film producers from Europe and beyond. Membership of the network is based on professionalism, mutual trust, collaborative working and openness to new ideas. A fundamental aim of ACE Producers is to encourage and enable international co-productions.

Founded in 1993, ACE Producers now has around 200 active members from more than 45 countries. Network members gather for further training and professional events at all major festivals and markets during the year, and regularly co-produce with each other.

Producers with proven experience in their own countries are welcomed into the network after completing the ACE programme of advanced training, which consists of three workshops during one year. The training asserts the position and unique responsibilities of the producer throughout the whole process of a project’s development, production, marketing and delivery to audiences.


International Promotion
Telefilm Canada, Montreal
514 283-6363 or 1 800 567-0890