2019 Canadian Moviegoing
Context Summary: This is a follow-up to the 2015 Study, also available on this website. This research offers an in-depth understanding of Canadians’ moviegoing and film consumption habits. It provides pertinent business intelligence on film attendance in cinemas, as well as reasons why people are watching movies at home. The study was conducted among an online sample of 1,880 Canadian moviegoers aged 13 and older, comprising 904 men, 968 women, and eight gender diverse individuals. When applicable, comparisons are made to the 2014/2015 study.
In addition, a one-page infographic was made available that addresses the impact of COVID -19 of film consumers, and what reassurances they need to return to theatres.
View the full report video presentation here.
Research Firm: prepared by ERm Research, 2020
Study funding: This research was commissioned by MTAC and supported by Telefilm Canada