Call for Entries – “Multi-talents pour le multiplateforme!” Workshop for Francophone Professionals Outside Quebec and Francophone Professionals in Quebec
Montréal, December 1, 2009 – Telefilm Canada is pleased to announce a call for entries from professionals in the audiovisual and interactive media industries wishing to participate in the training workshop “Multi-talents pour le multiplateforme !” to be held in Montréal in late February/early March 2010.
Francophone professionals outside Quebec are invited to register for the workshop to be held on February 27 and 28 and March 1, while francophone professionals in Quebec may register for the workshop to be held on March 1, 2 and 3, 2010. The two groups will overlap on March 1 in order to promote networking among francophone creators from across the country.
The “Multi-talents pour le multiplateforme !” workshop is specially designed to enable participants to explore the creation and exploitation of content in a multiplatform environment and to help them understand the issues facing the industry today.
The workshop for francophones outside Quebec (February 27 and 28 and March 1, 2010) is offered as part of the multi-year action plan on Official Languages Activities (OLA) that Telefilm drafted in 2007 within the framework of its agreement with Canadian Heritage regarding the Interdepartmental Partnership with the Official-Language Communities (IPOLC).
The application deadline is 5 p.m. EST on Tuesday, December 22, 2009. Applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. For the specific eligibility criteria for each group and to download the registration form for this professional development initiative, please follow these links on our website:
- OLA training workshop “Multi-talents pour le multiplateforme !” for francophone professionals outside Quebec
- training workshop “Multi-talents pour le multiplateforme !” for professionals in Quebec.
An information session on Telefilm’s programs will be given on February 26, 2010 for francophone clients working outside Quebec. Professionals outside Quebec can register now by checking the appropriate box on the registration form. More details will be published in the coming weeks.
For more information, please contact:
Marie-Claude Viau
1-800-567-0890, ext. 2009