Changes to Canada Feature Film Fund guidelines for 2011-2012
Montreal, April 1, 2011 – Telefilm Canada wishes to inform members of Canada’s audiovisual industry that the Corporation has made several changes to the Canada Feature Film Fund (CFFF) guidelines. Although minor, these changes aim, notably, to improve customer service, and they will govern all applications received from now on, including those received for the current 2011-2012 fiscal year. The changes include the following:
English market – Development assistance
- Treatment phase was added as entry point into development;
- Optioning fees are now considered an eligible cost;
- Floor and ceiling thresholds were clarified for development envelopes: $50,000 (minimum) and $155,000 (maximum).
English market – Production assistance
- Clarification of criteria currently in effect that, in order to be eligible, projects must be produced in English;
- Clarification that for holders of production envelopes, up to 10% of envelopes can be used to fund project development, provided this amount does not exceed $155,000.
French market – Development and production assistance
- Clarification of criteria currently in effect that, in order to be eligible, projects must be produced in French;
- Confirmation of current practice that for eligible projects, for all funding requests of $2 million and above, the threshold requirements for the Canadian distributor minimum guarantee for the Canadian territory are the lesser of 6% of the Canadian budget or $400,000.
- Certain updates to definitions;
- Clarification regarding Canadian-content certification for eligible projects.
We invite you to consult the revised guidelines by clicking here. For further information, please contact:
Western Region |
Ontario & Nunavut
Atlantic Region
Quebec & French outside Quebec |