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Official statement from Christa Dickenson, Executive Director, on the extension of the Short-Term Compensation Fund for Canadian Audiovisual Productions (STCF)

10 February 2021

“The Short-Term Compensation Fund (STCF) is vital to ensuring that Canadian film and television productions continue despite the COVID-19 pandemic. To date, the STCF has received 160 applications for projects in eight provinces and territories, and in both official languages. This represents more than $106 million total in requested coverage.

“Today’s announcement means that our talented creators and artisans can continue to do what they do best: bring Canadian stories to screens big and small for the world to enjoy.

“On behalf of the audiovisual industry, thank you to the Minister of Canadian Heritage, the Honourable Steven Guilbeault, as well as the Government of Canada.”

About the STCF

The Short-Term Compensation Fund for Canadian Audiovisual Productions (STCF), which is now budgeted at up to $100 million, is a temporary measure administered by Telefilm Canada. Guidelines will be updated as necessary and available online in the coming days. Please visit:

New key dates

Opening date: March 4, 2021

Closing date: March 31, 2022


As before, questions can be directed to