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Industry Advisory – Canada Feature Film Fund (CFFF): Important information for the 2010-2011 Development Program for English-Language Productions

10 February 2010

February 10, 2010 – Telefilm Canada wishes to announce changes to the Development Program for English-Language Productions guidelines to be implemented in 2010-2011.


  1. A streamlined process: there are now standard financing amounts for each scriptwriting phase.
  2. A more efficient process: 100% of Telefilm’s commitment will now be paid upon contracting.
  3. An eco-responsible process: as of February 22, 2010, all development applications must be submitted via eTelefilm thereby reducing the amount of paper applications.

These improvements to the guidelines and the application process will result in efficient standardized payments, allow for a faster turnaround of contracts and draw downs, and provide predictable financing for our clients.

Telefilm is committed to effective and efficient client service.  As such, Telefilm has worked in consultation with the representatives from the English-language CFFF Working Group during this process. 

The 2010-2011 guidelines are now available on Telefilm’s website; previous guidelines and application forms are no longer valid. For additional information, please contact your regional Telefilm Canada office or visit Telefilm’s website at