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Industry Advisory – Reminder: Olympic Games 2010

01 February 2010

Vancouver – February 1, 2010 – The 2010 Winter Olympics will be underway in two weeks.  As Vancouver prepares to host this historic event, enhanced security measures and accessibility restrictions to the downtown core are being put into place to deal with the arrival of athletes and tourists.

For this reason, Telefilm Canada’s Western Regional office would like to remind clients to accelerate any deliveries, and where possible, to submit project deliverables to Telefilm via email or by using eTelefilm.

In the event that the Western regional office becomes unable to provide a minimum level of service, clients will be instructed to submit deliverables to one of Telefilm’s other offices located in Halifax, Toronto, and Montreal.  Please consult Telefilm’s website during this period for up-to-date information.

For additional information provided by the city of Vancouver, please click on the following links:

Telefilm is committed to providing efficient service. Thank you in advance for your understanding.

Best wishes to Canada’s Olympians!