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Telefilm Canada announces closing date for new lower budget production (budgets under $2.5 million) for 2013-2014

17 June 2013

Montreal, June 18, 2013 – This has been another busy year for lower budget feature film applications. To date, demand for lower budget financing has significantly exceeded funding resources. As a result, Telefilm’s Atlantic, Ontario/Nunavut, Quebec and Western regional offices will no longer be accepting applications for English-language, lower budget production (budgets of under $2.5 million) requests for the remainder of the 2013-2014 fiscal year, effective June 28, 2013 (5:00 PM local time).

We encourage you to stay in touch with your regional feature film executive regarding any lower budget project applications planned for next fiscal year.

The opening date for 2014-2015 applications and related information will be communicated later in the fiscal year.