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Telefilm Canada Releases Details of the COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund Top-Up for Affected Film Productions

19 June 2020

As previously announced, a portion of the COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund – Telefilm Allocation was reserved to provide additional support to clients that had film projects in the production or post-production stage and were negatively impacted by COVID-19.

Telefilm will grant applicants that have received funding under the Emergency Relief Fund an additional amount of support for projects in their corporate group that Telefilm has already financed under its Production program and Theatrical Documentary program. This additional support will be a fixed amount based on the production budget and phase during which the project was affected by COVID-19.

The sum of the amounts of the top-up for affected productions and the base funding under the Emergency Relief Fund cannot be greater than 25% of half of the total funding received by the corporate group from Telefilm between April 1, 2017 and March 31, 2020 under the eligible programs.

Companies who are considered regional and/or, in their application process, identified as being predominantly owned and controlled by an underrepresented community, will still have access to either or both top-up funds.

Telefilm analysts will be in direct contact with eligible productions for further details. No additional application is required.


For top-ups relating to underrepresented identities and communities, please see this industry advisory.

For top-ups relating to regional companies, please see this industry advisory.

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