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Telefilm Canada, a partner of choice on the international market

28 September 2010

Every dollar invested abroad by Telefilm generated $16 in sales for Canadian companies

Montreal, September 28, 2010 – Telefilm Canada is today releasing its 2009 International Markets Report. The report spotlights Telefilm’s key role in supporting Canada’s audiovisual industry at foreign markets. Despite the economic downturn during the year, the report highlights the remarkable increase in foreign sales achieved by Canadian producers and distributors at international markets and festivals where Telefilm organizes and runs the Canada Pavilion: the European Film Market at the Berlin Film Festival, MIPTV, the Cannes Film Market and MIPCOM.


  • Telefilm invested about $1.2M in support of Canadian companies’ participation at international markets. Every dollar invested by Telefilm within the framework of its foreign activities generated $16 in sales deals for Canadian film companies, compared with $11 in 2008 and $9 in 2007. If we include pre-sales and probable sales (that is, sales deals likely to be closed quickly after the market), this figure jumps to $100 for every dollar invested.
  • In 2009, total sales and pre-sales of Canadian films and television programs stood at $17.6M, a 26% increase over the $14M earned in 2008. Negotiations conducted during the international markets generated $90.7M in probable sales. This brings the total of sales, pre-sales and probable sales to $108.3M, a 27% increase over the previous year’s total of $85M.
  • In 2009, the Cannes Festival was the most profitable market in terms of the ratio of sales, pre-sales and co-production/co-venturing agreements per dollar invested: every dollar invested by Telefilm generated more than $333 in economic activity.

“There’s no doubt that Canada’s audiovisual industry benefits from the strategic support it obtains abroad from Telefilm,” said Carolle Brabant, Executive Director of Telefilm Canada. “We’re very pleased to see how dynamic our companies are when they negotiate co-production and co-venturing agreements with foreign partners. Telefilm’s activities at international markets provide a real showcase for Canadian talent abroad and prove that Canadian products can compete on the world stage.”

Telefilm’s role on the international stage
On the international stage, Telefilm, in partnership with members of the International Business Development Group, offers strategic and operational support to Canadian companies by organizing the Canada Pavilion at a number of international markets and festivals. At the Pavilion, Telefilm supports producers’ and distributors’ sales promotion efforts through initiatives that target investors and buyers from around the world. These activities also allow Canadian and foreign producers to pool their resources in order to co-produce films and television programs. Finally, Telefilm supports the international launch of Canadian productions through special marketing activities at festivals deemed to provide the best business opportunities for Canadian companies.

Overall, Canadian companies stated that they were very satisfied with the full range of services that Telefilm offered abroad in 2009.

Read Telefilm Canada’s 2009 International Markets Report.

Telefilm Canada: Developing and promoting Canada’s audiovisual industry
Telefilm Canada is a federal cultural agency dedicated to developing and promoting the Canadian audiovisual industry. Telefilm provides financial support to the private sector to create distinctively Canadian products that appeal to domestic and international audiences. Telefilm also administers the Canada Media Fund’s programs. Visit

About the International Business Development Group
The International Business Development Group is composed of federal, provincial and industry partners working together to increase the international competitiveness of the Canadian audiovisual industry. Member institutions are: Association des producteurs de films et de télévision du Québec (APFTQ), the Canadian Media Production Association (CMPA), the Department of Canadian Heritage, Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada, Alberta Film, BC Film, Film Nova Scotia, Manitoba Film & Sound, New Brunswick Film, Newfoundland Film Development Corporation (NFLDC), Ontario Media Development Corporation (OMDC), SaskFilm, Société de développement des entreprises culturelles (SODEC) and Telefilm Canada, acting as Chair.


For further information:
Élise Proulx
Telefilm Canada
514-283-0838 or 1-800-567-0890, ext. 2090