Telefilm Canada’s new Theatrical exhibition program opens on May 1st, 2018
Montreal, April 27, 2018 – Telefilm Canada is pleased to announce the opening, for the very first time, of its Theatrical exhibition program.
The program is meant to amplify the visibility and access to Canadian productions by encouraging and rewarding commercial exhibitors that present Canadian films.
Aimed solely at Canadian companies acting as commercial exhibitors, the program provides a financial contribution from Telefilm Canada that can reach up to $ 15,000 per commercial exhibitor, and is evaluated based on the number of eligible Canadian films screened by that commercial exhibitor in the previous year.
The contribution calculator available on Telefilm’s website makes it easy to consult the list of eligible Canadian productions and to evaluate Telefilm’s financial support.
Telefilm will accept applications from May 1st to June 29th, 2018.
To know more and consult the guidelines, visit the program’s page.